To know more about Cignal TV's Privacy Policy and how it processes your personal information click here.
Should you wish to manage your privacy settings, you may do so by clicking your preferences below:
If you do not want your personal data to be processed for additional marketing activities, let us know by checking below (check all those that apply):
Receive product recommendations, special offers, and promos.
This applies to all outbound Direct Marketing activities through ALL channels controlled by the Entity, including but not limited to SMS, voice calls / telesales, and e-mail. You may also choose to implement opt-in/opt-out preferences by channel so that data subjects can select and control which channels they agree to receive communications, and which channels they do not wish for you to contact them.
Elaborate my profile with data collected about me from third-party sources, including Cignal TV's subsidiaries and affiliates.
This applies to use of personal data obtained from third-parties, which are matched against your own available information in order to elaborate your customers' profiles.
Disclose my personal information and usage profile with Cignal TV's subsidiaries and affiliates.
This applies to all kinds of sharing of personal data between Subsidiaries and Affiliates, even if it is for the improvement of each other's legitimate business and operations.
There are additional ways that we may process your personal data. These are completely optional, and we commit only to proceed with activities that you specifically allow us to do (check all those that apply):
Create a personal profile about you.
We analyze data about you, such as the websites and apps that you may visit and use and your locational information (historical and real-time location), to get a deeper understanding of your personal needs and interests. We create this personal profile about you so that we can send you even better targeted product recommendations, special offers, and promotions.
Send you offers and promotions from our sister companies and affiliates.
This will allow our sister companies and affiliates such as to send you information about their special offers and promotions through direct marketing channels such as SMS, voice calls, and e-mail.